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Genius Advocate Interviews

Throughout your membership, the Genius Center will introduce you to some of the world's most brilliant, creative and inspiring individuals who will share with you their success secrets, including how they realized their special genius from the time they were children.

Each new Genius Advocate Interview will focus on a unique individual who has found his or her genius in life.

The Genius Advocate Interviews are just one of many resources available to Genius Center members. In addition, the Genius Center's comprehensive programming for parents includes:

WorkshopsActivity SuggestionsLearning Styles GuideIntelligences GuideChild Development GuidePositive Learning Environment PlansPersonal Learning CoachesAdvocate InterviewsRecommended ResourcesSound Education TheoryApplied Learning MethodologyEmpowerment MessagesInformation on Current Trends in EducationGenius Barrier Warning Signsand Private Consultations

The Genius Center's Genius Advocate Interview featuring Robert T. Kiyosaki

Noted author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad book series, Robert Kiyosaki's passion for empowering humanity through improved financial literacy for adults and children, and his passion for helping parents discover their child's special genius in life were first ignited and nurtured in his childhood.

Take a Sneak Peak Advocate Interview - Robert Kiyosaki Part One
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